- From the Cancer Consortium
- Consortium Kudos
- In the Spotlight
- Current Funding Opportunities
- Save the Date - Upcoming Events
- From the Research Development Office
- From the Office of Community Outreach & Engagement
- From the Office of Faculty Affairs & Diversity
Consortium Kudos
Consortium Researchers Receive U19 Award for Indigenous Health Initiative
Drs. Lonnie Nelson, Jay Mendoza, and Myra Parker were recently awarded a U19 cooperative agreement for an exciting new program that will support cancer research and health equity for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) peoples. The program, named the CANOE (“Cancer Awareness, Navigation, Outreach, and Equitable Indigenous Health Outcomes”) Partnership, will receive $16.7 million in support over five years from the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD).
Led by Dr. Lonnie Nelson, the CANOE Partnership builds on the infrastructure of the recently established Indigenous Cancer Health Equity Initiative (ICHE-i), which is situated within the Office of Community Outreach & Engagement (OCOE). The CANOE Partnership’s activities include a diverse array of initiatives, including two clinical trials aimed at smoking cessation and lung cancer screening, respectively; an early-investigator pilot project to support researchers interested in advancing Indigenous cancer health equity; tribal community grants; and a community nutrition program. Importantly, all of the Partnership’s activities will be rooted in community-based participatory research principles and culturally appropriate practices, with extensive input from and cooperation with Tribal partners and representatives.
"We are deeply honored by this support for our work with our relatives and community partners at the South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency, the Muckleshoot Tribe, and the Black Hills Center for American Indian Health," said Dr. Nelson. "It is our hope that this will be just the first step in a long road to achieving cancer health equity among the Indigenous people of what is now referred to as the Americas."
Drs. Nelson, Mendoza, and Parker are all members of the Consortium’s Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention & Control Program. In addition, the CANOE Partnership will involve collaboration from several other Consortium members, including Drs. Matty Triplette and Jonathan Bricker (both members of the Lung Cancer program).
Please join us in congratulating these investigators!
In the Spotlight
The following interinstitutional collaborations by Cancer Consortium members were featured in the most recent edition of Fred Hutch's Science Spotlight:
- "O-MAPping the cell for a spatial understanding of basic biology" involved collaboration by Drs. David Shechner (former member; Cancer Basic Biology), Devin Schweppe (Cancer Basic Biology), Brian Beliveau (Cancer Basic Biology), Sita Kugel (Cancer Basic Biology), Christine Disteche (Cancer Basic Biology), and Shao-En Ong (Cancer Basic Biology).
- "Towards accessible gene therapy: in vivo base editing to cure Sickle Cell Disease" involved collaborative work by Drs. André Lieber (Breast & Ovary Cancers) and Hans-Peter Kiem (Hematologic Malignancies).
- "Revaccination beliefs and behaviors in transplant survivors" involved collaborative work by Drs. Paul Carpenter (Hematologic Malignancies), Jefferey Harris (Breast & Ovary Cancers), Kerryn Reding (Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention & Control), Stephanie Lee (Hematologic Malignancies), Rachel Salit (Hematologic Malignancies), Masumi Ueda Oshima (Hematologic Malignancies), and Phuong Vo (Hematologic Malignancies).
Administrative Supplements to Support Cancer Disparity Collaborative Research (Clinical Trial Optional)
The purpose of this NOFO is to promote new cancer disparities research among investigators who do not normally conduct it and to encourage the partnership of experienced cancer research investigators with cancer disparities-focused researchers that is intended to accelerate and strengthen multi-disciplinary cancer disparities research in wide ranging areas. Proposed collaborations should focus on achieving research objectives that by necessity rely on diverse and complementary expertise, technical capabilities, and resource sets. Importantly, the supplemental proposal is required to be within the scope of the parent award and should expand the original aims to include a cancer disparity component and possible inclusion of international comparator cohorts.
Upcoming Application Receipt Due Dates: January 23rd, 2025
Applications are Now Open for the Cancer Consortium Pilot Awards and Catchment Area Health Pilot Awards
Cancer Consortium Pilot Awards
Funds are available from the Fred Hutch/University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Cancer Consortium (“the Consortium”) to support cancer-related pilot projects. This competition will provide 3-4 awards of up to $100,000 direct costs (plus F&A/indirect costs) for one year of pilot project support. All Consortium members are eligible for this pilot funding.
There are no limitations on research topic, provided the problem under study is focused on cancer. Highly innovative concepts that have the potential to improve the lives of cancer patients are encouraged. Also included in this competition are two categories targeted as areas of special interest to the Consortium: health equity research and cross-disciplinary translational research.
For more information about eligibility, application requirements, and more, please see the RFA ( click here). Applications are due February 14th, 2025, by 5:00pm PST.
Catchment Area Health Pilot Awards
Funds are available from the Fred Hutch/University of Washington/Seattle Children's Cancer Consortium ("the Consortium") Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) and non-sponsored funds to support new cancer-related pilot projects focused on the Consortium’s catchment area, which includes the entire state of Washington. The research plan should address research on cancers relevant to the catchment area and/or the populations that face the highest burden or cancer disparities in the state. This competition will fund one project, at a maximum of up to $100,000 in direct costs (plus F&A/indirect costs), for one year.
For more information about eligibility, application requirements, and the cancer burden in Washington, please see the RFA ( click here). Applications are due February 14th, 2025, by 5:00pm PST.
» [Ongoing] Steam Plant Seminar Series
Please join us in the Steam Plant O’Mack Suites (Fred Hutch Campus) at 4pm on Wednesdays for a seminar series organized by Steam Plant trainees.
- January 29th: Danielle Kirkey (Meshinchi Lab)
A schedule of talks can be found on the Steam Plant’s Community CenterNet site ( *requires FH credentials). To receive notifications, please join the mailing list at https://lists.fhcrc.org/postorius/lists/steamplant-seminar.lists.fhcrc.org/. You will need to copy and paste this link into your browser, if using a Mac. If you are working remotely, you will need to be on VPN to access the listserv.
» [Ongoing] Monthly Shared Resources Seminar Series
Please join the shared resources team for their new monthly seminar series. Each hour-long seminar will be presented by a different shared resource, and will focus on a topic pertinent to the work of that core.
Upcoming Seminar Dates:
- January 15th (11:30am): Topic TBD, hosted by Proteomics & Metabolomics (D1-080, Sze Suites, Fred Hutch Campus)
- February 12th (11:30am): "Preclinical Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography (PET/CT) Imaging at UW," hosted by Translational Bioimaging (D1-080, Sze Suites, Fred Hutch Campus)
- March 12th (11:30am): Topic TBD, hosted by Preclinical Imaging (D1-080, Sze Suites, Fred Hutch Campus)
Click here to sign up for the upcoming January seminar.
All seminars are hybrid. Attendees will receive a Teams link once they sign up. Please contact Tony Bohn ( abohn@fredhutch.org) with any questions.
» January 27 & 31: Merkel Cell Carcinoma Collaborative (MC3) Institute Launch Events
Join us for the official launch celebration for the MC3 Institute! These events are a wonderful way to connect with the MCC community, learn about the Institute, and get involved.
1) Monday, January 27th: In-Person & Virtual MC3 Launch Event.
Time: 4:00-6:30pm PT
Location: Orin Smith Auditorium, University of Washington Campus (850 Republican Street, Seattle, WA) or Zoom
Description: This hybrid event will feature a one-hour presentation on the Institute's mission and vision, its shared resources, how to become a member, and its approach to making a difference in MCC treatment and patient care. A reception will follow for in-person attendees.
2) Friday, January 31st: Virtual-Only Launch Event
Time: 9:00-10:00am PT
Location: Zoom (link to be provided)
Description: For those unable to attend on the 27th, this virtual launch event will feature the same presentation and opportunities to engage and ask questions.
For more information about the institute or launch events, visit the MC3 website. For questions or to request the Zoom link for either of the virtual events, contact mc3institute@uw.edu.
» February 28: Stuart and Molly Sloan Precision Oncology Institute Theranostics Symposium
Join us on February 28, 2025, at Fred Hutch Cancer Center for a symposium to explore the field of theranostics. Theranostics is a cutting-edge approach in precision medicine that merges diagnostics with therapeutics and holds great promise for improving patient outcomes in oncology. The Theranostics Symposium is organized in partnership with UW Radiology and co-hosted by Drs. Amir Iravani, Director of Theranostics, and Delphine Chen, Director of Molecular Imaging and Therapy, Fred Hutch Cancer Center.
Drs. Iravani and Chen have invited a panel of local and national leaders in the field to deliver talks and join in discussion on the latest advances in theranostics. Following talks, all attendees are welcome to meet the speakers and enjoy a selection of food and beverages at a reception from 3:40 – 4:30pm in the Weintraub B-Suites.
- Date: Friday, February 28th, 2025
- Time: 8:30am-3:30pm
- Location: Pelton Auditorium, Weintraub Building, Fred Hutch Cancer Center (1100 Fairview Ave N)
- Reception: 3:40-4:30 pm in Weintraub B-Suites
» May 6: Pathogen Associated Malignancies (PAM) Integrated Research Center (IRC) and Microbiome Research Initiative Joint Retreat - Save the Date!
Join us for the 2025 Joint Retreat of the PAM IRC, the Cancer Consortium's Pathogen Associated Malignancies PAM Research Program, and the Microbiome Research Initiative. This event will take place on Tuesday, May 6th, 2025, at Fred Hutch Cancer Center, and is open to all Consortium members, including trainees and staff. Keynote speakers will be:
- Eric Engles, MD, PhD, Director & Senior Investigator, Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch, NIH
- Sean Gibbons, PhD, Associate Professor, Institute for Systems Biology
Save the date - registration will open soon! In the meantime please contact Marcie Dominguez ( mdomingu@fredhutch.org).
» June 19-21: 4th International Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ISLCCC)
Please join us this summer for the 4th ISLCCC Conference, hosted by the Fred Hutch Survivorship Program. This in-person event will take place at the Bell Harbor International Conference Center in Seattle.
The 2025 symposium will provide a venue for the multidisciplinary exchange of innovative ideas among clinicians and researchers engaged in pediatric and adolescent cancer survivorship care and research. This year's topics will include emerging research results and insights from real-word clinical experience to promote research collaborations and improve survivorship care throughout the world. The meeting will immediately follow the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS) Investigators' Meeting and a meeting of the International Guideline Harmonization Group (IGHG).
Registration is now open for ISLCCC 2025. Click here to register.
» June 27: Dr. Rainer Storb Symposium - Save the Date!
Please save the date for a scientific symposium and reception in honor of the career and accomplishments of Dr. Rainer Storb! We look forward to hearing from Dr. Storb’s colleagues and trainees as they speak on topics in transplantation. This event will take place at the Fred Hutch South Lake Union Campus.
Additional information will be made available in the coming months. In the meantime, please click here to join the invitation list and be notified when registration goes live on February 1, 2025.
For additional questions about the Dr. Rainer Storb Symposium, contact Sara Kraft ( skraft@fredhutch.org).
The RDO Provides Support for Diversity Supplement Applications
The National Institute of Health’s Diversity Supplement program ( PAR-23-189) provides funding to enhance the diversity of the research workforce by recruiting, mentoring, and supporting high school, undergraduate and graduate/clinical students, postbaccalaureate and post Masters individuals, postdoctoral researchers (including health professionals), and eligible investigators from diverse backgrounds. This includes people from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research, who have a qualifying disability, or come from a financially and/or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds.
Supplements are open to trainees of all levels, from high school to investigator-level career stages. For more information on Diversity Supplements, click here.
The Research Development Office (RDO) provides diversity supplement application support by sharing resources and connecting eligible trainees and investigators. To schedule a consultation or request RDO support, click here.
Call for Mentors and Reviewers for the 2025 Community Grants Program
This small grants program supports community-based organizations and Tribes working toward health equity in diverse communities across Washington State. Mentors are matched with applicants to help develop or review proposal drafts. Reviewers will then evaluate and score submitted projects.
Eligibility and Time Commitment:
Applications Are Open for the Eddie Mendéz Scholar Award
The Dr. Eddie Mendéz Scholar Award recognizes early-career underrepresented minority scientists and scientists with disabilities. The award is open to current postdoctoral fellows or those who have recently completed their postdoctoral fellowship at any of the Consortium institutions and who are interested in pursuing a faculty position. Awardees will be invited to share their research at the annual Méndez Symposium in July 2025.
Applications are due by midnight (Eastern Time) on February 1st, 2025. For more information about the award, including a link to apply, click here.
Award number P30 CA015704-49